Laboratory of Nano-Biophysics of Ionic Liquids

Atomic Force Microscopy || Neutron Scattering || Computer Simulations

In the NanoBioPhysics Lab we carry out cross-disciplinary basic research at the edge of physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine aimed at the development of novel applications in drug-delivering, nano-bio-medicine, pharmacology and, more in general, bio-nano-technology. We are always looking for talented and motivated new lab members. If you would like to join the NanoBioPhysics Lab to work on either one of our active research lines or would like to propose a new research topic to be carried out together contact Prof Benedetto by email ("Contact me" link at the bottom of the page).
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>>>> NEW OPENING <<<< We are looking for a motivated and talented new lab member to join the NanoBioPhysics Lab as Ph.D. student (4-years scholarship) starting in September 2025 to work on a project on the effects of ionic liquids on the structure and mechanics of lipid bilayers, biomembranes, live cells and tissues by means of bio-atomic force microscopy, neutron scattering and cell biology approaches. If interested in the position, you can email Prof Benedetto (i) your CV and (ii) a half-page motivation letter.
>>>> More info <<<< >>>> NEW DEADLINE Fri 21st Mar 2025 <<<<
Additional opportunities to join the NanoBioPhysics Lab
There are a number of National, European and International PhD scholarship and postdoctoral fellowship programs as, for example, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Programme of the European Commission. Usually, these programmes requires the submission of a joint candidate-PI research proposal within a given deadline. If you are interested, please feel free to contact Prof Benedetto (reasonable in advance to the relevant deadline).
At the moment, we are looking/interested in the following profiles. However, if your profile is not listed but you would like to join the Lab, please do not hesitate to contact Prof Benedetto.

  • Bachelor or Master graduate interested in taking a PhD studentships in biophysics (of ionic liquids);
  • Bachelor or Master graduate interested in taking a PhD studentships in neutron scattering instrumentation;
  • PhD graduate with experience in atomic force microscopy of biomembranes and/or living cells interested to join our group as a Postdoctoral Researcher;
  • PhD graduate with experience in protein amyloidogenesis interested to join our group as a Postdoctoral Researcher.